Automated CIP

Automated CIP

Upgrade automated CIP system for Grade A dairy system


The customer tasked CDSL with upgrading their CIP system with new hardware and controls. The customer’s previous system only allowed one piece of equipment to be cleaned at a time. This system was also using outdated hardware that was difficult to maintain and acquire parts. CDSL designed new controls panels to be integrated into the client’s plantwide PLC system. This upgrade allowed for each piece of equipment to run a customized CIP sequence. By utilizing the plantwide data recording system, this upgrade also replaced paper CIP charts and provided review functionality for quality personnel. Additionally, the system had added functionality with flow rate, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature sensors added. This improved monitoring of returned water which provides feedback to the cleaning system and reduced water consumption by recovering wastewater to be used for prerinse.


Overall, this system provided a robust and customizable automated CIP system for our client. This system allowed for cleaning of two pieces of equipment at a time. Thus, sanitation is now able to complete CIPs on equipment in up to half the time. This installation occurred alongside normal production, with startup occurring on a down weekend. These improvements also allowed our client to meet governmental and contract packaging sanitary requirements. 

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